Sunday, December 18, 2011

Freezer Diving: Shrimp Bisque, Seafood Paella

Need to make room for the holidays and decided to see what was in the freezer hoard. I've been tucking away baggies of shrimp shells for a while and decided to cook them up into a shrimp stock.

Also had a couple of frozen squids from last week's dinner, a few red peppers frozen from the summer and about 1/4 pound of shrimp. Clams were on sale so I added that to the shopping list along with a splurge on a small container of lump crab meat.

Dinner tonight - shrimp and crab bisque, crab balls, balsamic asparagus and seafood paella. Asparagus is an easy recipe from, great warm or at room temp.

Balsamic Asparagus Spears

Felt like frying something tonight and I've never liked crab cakes so it was crab balls. Modified a Paula Deen recipe slightly (panko for bread crumb, skipped house seasoning and added sour cream to the tartar sauce recipe). Turned out quite pretty -- deep frying will do that, I suppose.

Fried Crab Balls

Next is the bisque. Shrimp stock is simply shells sauteed with half an onion, a bit of sherry and water to cover. Ina's recipe is one of the best out there. Since I had the crab, I added a bit of that too

Shrimp Bisque

Finally it was on to the paella. Looked through a ton of recipes but it was back to Ina for this one. Skipped the pernod and added some diced kielbasa (another freezer find). Punched  up the color with a few sprinkle of Goya Sazon Azafran. Added shrimp, clam, squid just as rice came to a boil, turned it to simmer and 20 minutes of simmering.

Paella in the Making
The Finished Paella

Another Sunday done. Holiday weekend is next - can't wait!

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